
My experiences of understanding and implementing homeschooling

  • Learning Methods

    How do we prepare for Tomorrow? – Making our children Future Ready

    Image Credits: Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians, Pixabay Fourth Revolution is real and irreversible. As we see advancements in Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) machines will continue to take over more and more labour-intensive jobs. This is good news for mankind as this will free us from drudgery and toil. With machines taking over jobs involving basic cognitive skills and physical/manual skills, humans will have a lot more time to create, collaborate and entertain. What does this essentially mean for our children? What are the jobs that children of today should plan for? What are the core skills that will be needed for…

  • Homeschooling,  Learning Methods

    Workplaces of Tomorrow

    If you are reading this blog, you are either a parent, caregiver, teacher or a student yourself. You already understand that the world is rapidly changing, and it is only prudent to change along with it. We have covered this premise in our last two blogs which you can read here (Are Todays Education Systems Ready for Tomorrow?, Tomorrow that Starts Today). In this blog, I will take the premise forward and talk about the inevitable workplace evolution. Right from the first Industrial revolution, workplaces have been constantly evolving. With the onset of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, by the year 2030, workplaces are going to completely transform. What will the workplace…

  • Learning Methods,  Thoughts and Quotes

    Are Todays Education Systems Ready for Tomorrow?

    Ever Changing Employment Landscape Times are changing fast. We discussed the nature of change in our previous blog – Tomorrow that starts Today. We have deduced that machines would take over more than 30% of human jobs in as soon as 5-10 years. This shift towards automation does not mean that our children will lose all jobs to machines. This only means that our children will face different jobs and business opportunities than the working class of today. This change in skills is not a new phenomenon. It is just that the speed of this phenomenon has accelerated rapidly over the last two decades. What started as an internet revolution…

  • Learning Methods,  Thoughts and Quotes

    Tomorrow that Starts Today

    Change is the only constant in life. Mankind adapts fastest to change making us the smartest specie on the planet. The biggest technological change of modern times last took place as the First Industrial Revolution that started in 1800s. It changed the way we did things and transformed us from an agrarian society to an industrialized society. With the launch of machines doing jobs like production of textiles, cultivation of crops and transporting goods and people, mankind was freed from performing effort intensive jobs. This provided them opportunities to explore, innovate and achieve new frontiers be it in space, arms race or healthcare. Countries which lead this Revolution are called…

  • Homeschooling,  Thoughts and Quotes

    Boredom is a Gift

    One late evening I was talking to a mother about Homeschooling. Like most good parents, she was concerned about providing enough stimulation to her 2.5 and 4.5 year olds. I could sense pride in her voice when she told me how she was learning carpentry so she could redecorate her children’s room. She walked me through her plan of laying brightly colored peg boards and cozy spaces in the room so her children love their space and are completely engaged. How I wish, I had the heart to tell her that she was focusing her energies in the wrong place. While I was so proud of her taking all the…

  • Homeschooling

    Gifts from my kitchen to me

    Two burnt fingers Three chopped nails Dozen blackened scars Two aching feet Some gifts from my kitchen to me Baking powder that always runs out Yeast that never fails to expire Brown Sugar that’s always wet Butter who forgot to be soft More gifts from my kitchen to me Failed cakes Burnt cookies Bitterly bitter chocolate Crystallised ice cream Sigh! Gifts from my kitchen to me Hundred giggles Thousand smiles Tons of messy clothes Forty flour lathered fingers Couple batter smeared cheeks Twinkling eyes Drooling Tongues, altogether adding to Four Happy Children Best gifts from my kitchen to me Thank you dear kitchen for letting us be

  • Homeschooling

    Homeschooling Topic – Digestive System

    Yog explaining importance of digestive system : First I will drink milk. It will go in my stomach and then in my intestines. From there the energy will go in the blood. Then the blood will get the energy into my arms. Only when energy comes into my arms, can I start doing my homework. Mama, you have to learn to wait for energy to travel in the body. P.S. _ Yogs drawing of the Digestive System #homeschoolinglife #digestiveSystem

  • Homeschooling

    When Children will Learn the Same Way

    Soon, there will be a day when all Children will learn the same way When Nature kills all oranges, lemons and strawberries to only produce apples When artistes have hanged themselves and writers have been exiled When only bankers are needed to protect our money and doctors, engineers or teachers will die Oh! Don’t despair! There is still tons on hope for this day to come When all children will learn the same way When everyone will follow rules by the book When no one will question the power of a few When man kind doesn’t dream anymore When all children will learn the same way Till such time, keep…

  • Homeschooling,  Toyna

    I am Taught

    I was thinking I was normal as normal as I could be Living in my own world Can’t decide who I am supposed to be To hate or to love To disgust or to like To go under or above Reaching for my goals, moving towards the sky To dance or to fight I was born thinking I was normal As normal as I could be Where people would be telling what is important for me Whether to study or to play To fail or to pass To go or to stay And to stay in which class But I was wrong I am not normal I am lucky as…

  • Homeschooling,  Thoughts and Quotes

    I am Not Responsible for My Children

    Just the other day, I was talking about our recent shift to Homeschooling with a close friend. Like most people who are not Homeschoolers themselves, she was in awe of the decision to Homeschool. She said, “But Shilpa, that’s a huge responsibility! How do you manage that?” My response, “What makes you think I am capable of taking up this responsibility? I am definitely not the right person for this. I am not taking this responsibility because this is not mine to take. It belongs to my children. They are their own responsibility. I am just transferring their rightful responsibility back on them.” There was a silence for a few…