• Thoughts and Quotes

    For all the Men out there – How do you show your love?

    How do you show love to your daughter By keeping her indoors and making her wear long overhauls Or by teaching her self defense and self respect It is a bad world out there, but guess what – she is already a part of this world   How do you show love to your son By telling him which courses to do and pushing him to be more competitive Or by listening to his dreams and letting him cry on your shoulder It is a tough world out there, but guess what – you gave birth to a son, not a robot   How do you show love to your…

  • Thoughts and Quotes,  Toyna

    Protection begins at Home

      As soon as the summer holidays started, my twelve year daughter took her first independent flight to Delhi to meet her Nani. Needless to say, I consider this as a big milestone for all of us. Her maiden, independent flight is a sign that our little bird is ready to fly out of our safe nest. I was scared, nervous, apprehensive but most of all extremely proud of her. A few of our friends and family who knew about the flight were skeptical. Isn’t she too young? Isn’t the world a bad place for little girls travelling alone? Are you not being an irresponsible parent? These are good questions…