• Thoughts and Quotes

    If God begged you to choose a Dream…

    I asked a simple question to 70 working women on the occasion of Women’s Day, “If God came today and begged you to choose your dream, what dream would you choose?” Ten minutes later, I had my answers. 100% of the women said, “My dream is to take good care of my parents and my children.” When I was preparing for the workshop, I knew a majority would prioritize this dream, but the majority would be 100%, was something that I was not prepared for. I coaxed them to think of a dream above being a mother and daughter because before being a mother/daughter they were individuals who had to…

  • Thoughts and Quotes

    Being a Woman

    Half the world considers a woman as an object to be used. The other half of the world glorifies womanhood to the status of God. I don’t think we are either. We are just a different form of human specie. We might be responsible for bringing life on this planet, but let’s be honest, we cannot do it on our own. We might be more sensitive to emotions of others, but then we are not as tough when it comes to our exterior. Urban women cook, clean, bring up the children, and go to work; but then so do most urban men these days. The problems of the world today will…