
Oops we do it again! (Re: Olympics)

While we the nation celebrate the victory of few excellent sports personalities, we at the same time make louder hue and cry about the poor state of our sports in our country. Just 4 medals compared what China has won. Shame on us!

It is so easy to sit in our cute little offices, warm beds and hot baths and complain about our country. Our sports minister didn’t do this, our coaches don’t know better, our athletes lack talent; the list of complaints is endless. 

I ask, how many of us have done anything better than those out there in the field. How many of us gave up our dreams of becoming sportsmen just because the dream seemed too tough to achieve? How many of us knowing we had talented children pulled them out of sports as soon as they reached the 9th standard? How many of us recognized good talent but never came forward to support it? I know a lot of us who fall in all the above categories.

When we the individuals don’t have the power to believe in our dreams, what right do we have to complain against the government and the system. We forget that our nation is not an independent entity but is made up of each one of us put together. Our government is not run by Kings and autocrats, it is selected and appointed by us.

Until such time that we are willing to take a stand for change ourselves, it is my humble request that we please sit down and stop complaining. Enjoy the show and let others enjoy it too! 

I am an ex-Management Consultant and a successful entrepreneur having close to twenty years of corporate experience. I am currently focusing full time on being a homeschooling parent while researching on the future of education and alternate methods of education. I am also a Vedic Math Trainer, an Operations Manager at a business run by her children and a philanthropist working with tens of other under privileged children. I bring all my past and current experiences together in the form of writing blogs. Using these blogs I wish to create awareness in parents, caregivers and educators about parenting, education and holistic living.