• Toyna,  Yog

    Junior Mommy

    After putting Yog to sleep yesterday night, I stepped out for a while to run an important errand. When I returned 10 minutes later, I was greeted with loud, inconsolable cries of Yog. As I rushed to his room, I almost ran into Toyna, carrying Yog in her arms and trying to calm him down (with little success). I quickly took over and Yog was sleeping soundly again in no time. In the background, Toyna quietly retreated to her room. I sensed something was wrong and joined her there with Yog still sleeping in my arms. As I sat on the bed beside her, in the dark, I thought I…

  • Uncategorized

    Wash Time

    When our little ones were actually small We used to wash their hands, for they were not as tall But now that they can stand and lean on top of a stool They manage to wash themselves All we need to now wash is the soap bottle, the sink and the wall

  • Thoughts and Quotes

    Control of Life

    For those who believe in God, do you agree that God has already done His part? Isn’t it time we let him focus on other strategic areas and we take control of something as small as our own lives.

  • Toyna

    Game of Chess with a Heart

    Story from when Toyna started learning chess about 3 years ago – Toyna and me started playing Chess. I explained to her how each character moves and we were off killing each other left right and centre. My Minister moves forward bravely towards her Queen and was all set to kill her in the next move. Toyna spotted this and got worried. She instantly moved her King in front of the Queen and said “You have to kill me before you get to my Queen!!” I literally died laughing!! I wish the creators of this game were as chivalrous as Toyna!

  • My Love

    8th February

    13 years ago on the day of 8th February, Pavan and I, both of us a little too young, a little too tired and sleepy, smashed lumps of jaggery concoction on each others heads, accepting each other as our partners for life. I remember that day as a heady mix of mantras, sarees, jewelry and confusion. We never really went for a formal honeymoon, but life from there on just seemed like a never ending honeymoon. Days following the marriage, we couldn’t stay away from each other for more than 30 minutes in a day. The fact that we both worked in the same organisation made it easy for us…

  • Professional,  Thoughts and Quotes

    Success, the root cause behind Failure

    Since the last few years, I have been harboring a dream. A dream which defines a purpose for my life. As I go to bed each night, I vow to take out time for my dream the next day. I promise to prioritize it above everything else. I promise to make it work, no matter what the odds are. The next morning chaos of breakfast, lunch boxes and exam revisions seamlessly intertwines with the chaos of meetings, phone calls and approvals by the evening. Was there an afternoon in between, I don’t seem to have noticed? As I step down from office at 7 PM, I curse myself for not living my…

  • Thoughts and Quotes


    We all know that Humans are just another specie in the animal world. It is commonly believed that it is Intellect that differentiate us from animals. I disagree. I have seen many intellectual humans behave worse than animals. What truly differentiates humans from the other animals is the level of spirituality humans are capable of.