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    I wish we could talk

    When sentiments run high and misunderstanding abound When anger seeps in and frustrations pull me down When love seems lost and there is no answer to be found I wish we could talk When you don’t seem to understand and niether do I When expectations in the air make it difficult to breathe When the easiest way out is to leave I wish we could talk When egos clash and the past blinds When small remarks hurt like pine  When we both want to stop, but keep going on I wish we could talk I walk alone, wishing you were there I move on, step by step, don’t know where I…

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    Change starts at Home

    I never intended my blog to be something talking about social issues only. However, given the events in the recent past and the sentiments surrounding them, I end up writing about these myself.  Another brutal crime, this time much closer to home and we have shock, anger, frustration coming out in all public forums. From blaming men, to blaming the country legal systems, we the intelligent beings will try and assign the blame to everyone but ourselves. We have answers for what our leaders should do, what the men should do, but we never question what we do ourselves.  Men are not born in a different world than us women.…

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    I am at peace because I think I have found the answers for now. I wait patiently to receive the next level of questions. Shilpa Kota

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    Is Gun Control the Answer?

    While the world is trying hard to overcome the shock from the death of innocent kindergarten kids last week, there are many who are proposing answers, solutions to what could have stopped this. Most people feel that it is high time gun control laws are put in place in America.  Guns are just the tools used to execute the crime. Everyone who has a gun does not want to shoot down innocent lives. Most people want to own a gun because they are scared and want to protect themselves. Yes, having a gun, makes it easier to execute a crime, but the intent to commit the crime has to be…

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    Would God Barter?

    I had the misfortune of watching one of the latest Bollywood flicks sometime back and since then this question has been on my mind – Would God barter? Those who have watched the movie, will understand which one I am referring to, and those who haven’t, you are blessed. Please don’t ever go to watch it.  When we ask God to give us something, do we honestly think that God needs something in return from us? There are couple of assumptions we make, if we believe this to be true – 1. First, that there is a God who is powerful enough to grant any wish. 2. Yet, this God…

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    Self Protection

    As we see the world changing around us we constantly put up measures to protect us and our loved ones from physical harm. We build stronger walls around us, put bigger locks on these walls and try and learn some basics of self defense. My daughter goes for Takewondo classes regularly. For her it is a sport, for me it is future protection for her and hopefully myself. In spite of all this, we still never feel secure enough. As I step outside for a walk, I am constantly wary about anyone passing too close to me. Sometimes, in spite of all my defense mechanisms, I have been subject to…