How do I know I am the Universe
They say, I am not the mind, I am not the body They say, I am the soul I am the Universe I am the God Itself But how do I know when I have not seen God ever I have not even seen the whole Universe How do I know what they say is true I see me as me I see them as them I see the ant I see the leaf I see the sun, the land, the clouds, the unlimited expanse It is not me It is outside of me How can it be me How can I be all of it I love someone I…
My Favorite Person is …
I was gifted these beautiful flowers by my most favorite person in the whole wide world. I am so thrilled to set these beauties on my dining table and walk by them to soak in their fragrance. Each time I see them, I am reminded of the abundance of love in my life and my heart fills with gratitude. To talk about this favorite person of mine – She is beautiful, talented, compassionate and very bright! She always has my back and I can always count on her whenever I am in need. She is my best cheerleader and my biggest critic. She always challenges me to do better and…
My Biggest Fight is within Me
Human life is like waves. We peak, we crest, we fall. We go flat for some time, until the time we start to peak again, riding high on a new relationship, a new project or simply a new reward. With each new rising, we forget the last fall. We spread our wings expecting to keep flying higher and higher, expecting to keep receiving, expecting to be the best out of all. This is when we crest and we fall. While the rise is slow, steady and heady, the fall happens in an instant crash. Depending on how high we rose with the wave, the crash is pretty much equivalent, breaking…
A New Start
We fear death because we don't understand life. When we understand who we are and why we are alive, death becomes just another turn on the long, winding road.
Sat Chit Anand
We are all supposed to be Eternal Bliss, Sat Chit Anand. Sorry Correction! We are all Eternal Bliss but we are ignorant of the fact. The sad part is that not only have we have forgotten our true self but also that we look down upon those who are living in eternal bliss. We ask them, “How can you be joyful when inflation is skyrocketing?” “How can you be happy when your children are not topping the class?” “How can you be ecstatic when you are not rich?” “How can you be happy, when I am not? Thoughts from my little understanding of Drig Drishya Viveka.
Preparing for After Life
What are you doing to prepare for Afterlife?