• Thoughts and Quotes

    Bees Saal Baad

    I sat at the ophthalmologists center today, eyes burning with the sting of the eye drops. Tears flowed through my eyes, wetting my cheeks. I dabbed my eyes with the soft cotton balls that the assistant handed me. I figured, it was pretty natural to sit and cry at an Ophthalmologist. If only she knew, that the tears were not because of the drops in my eyes, but because of the memories in my mind. Somehow, the burning liquid had passed right through from my eyes into my brain, making it go into flash back mode. Twenty years ago, my situation was pretty much the same, at least physically. A…

  • Thoughts and Quotes

    Being a Woman

    Half the world considers a woman as an object to be used. The other half of the world glorifies womanhood to the status of God. I don’t think we are either. We are just a different form of human specie. We might be responsible for bringing life on this planet, but let’s be honest, we cannot do it on our own. We might be more sensitive to emotions of others, but then we are not as tough when it comes to our exterior. Urban women cook, clean, bring up the children, and go to work; but then so do most urban men these days. The problems of the world today will…

  • Thoughts and Quotes

    Just be my Valentine

    When Pavan and I started dating 15 years ago in a small conservative town, we were seriously constrained on time and means to express our love for each other. Blame the society, or the office, or just the values that we had been brought up with. It was impossible to state openly that we were in love and we meant the world to each other. The more we were put into constraints, the more our love grew for each other. In those days, one more boundary just meant one more thrill, mystery or adventure. We were seriously in love. Fast forward to 6 years later; we were blessed to have a decent…

  • Thoughts and Quotes

    Love you Life

    The constant travel, the time away from home, the conflicting time zones, are all a conspiracy of Life to force me to miss you. Makes me wonder how little life knows about this emotion. Dear Life, here is a lesson on this emotion for you. One is only possible of feeling this emotion when something close to the person is taken away from them. For example: I miss walking when I don’t get the chance. Or I would miss Toyna when she gets married. How can I miss Pavan? He is a part of me. He has been for a long time now. Maybe you are still living in those…

  • Thoughts and Quotes

    From one life to the next

    If there was just one thing that I could remember from this life to the next, it would be the name of my website. It would be a shame if all that I have learnt in this life, gets to be implemented by me for one life only. 🙂

  • Thoughts and Quotes

    Mother Enough

    Have you ever snickered at a Mom who has a dirty house, or who is lagging behind at work or worse still whose children are unkempt and ill behaved? The most cardinal sin of all, is a mother who is so busy that she doesn’t even care about her childrens school or extracurricular classes. I admit, I have at times wondered how a mother could possibly not manage to do all the above with just one hand and use her other hand to dress up, go partying and have a life. Somewhere deep inside me, I used to think they must not be “Mother Enough” to be in such a…

  • Thoughts and Quotes

    Walking in the Rain

    There are days when I want to break down When being strong is not an option found When tears want to flow and sobs like to be heard When I want to curl up inside a blanket and shut out the cruel world   But something stops me from breaking free From showing to the world how fragile I can be From crying out loud, lest someone might hear me   On days like these, I take out my walking shoes Plug in some music and set out into the streets The sound of the music inside my head Drowns the last few barriers dead   The breeze whistles past…

  • Thoughts and Quotes,  Toyna

    Read Me from Inside

      When I was growing up, I used books to help me find my way in life. Not the way, one would traditionally expect books to be used (by reading them). Whenever in doubt, I remember opening a random book at a random page and reading out a random line from that page. I was once told that random lines, like these, can help one find the answer they are seeking. Looking back, I understand how it worked.  The random line helped put into words, the deepest thought that I was not able to find on my own. The answer was always there inside me, but sometimes it needed a…