Thoughts and Quotes

Cross the Line

There comes a time in life when you move on to the other side of the line. At this side of the line, you find yourself as the jury of the same contests you once worked so hard to win. You stand in applaud for others, no longer caring if anyone applauds for you. You comfortably hug a book to sleep, no longer waiting or crying for the last warm hug. You have the best of clothes, jewellery, wine that money can buy, but you forget about all of them while celebrating.

Life surely is simple yet beautiful at this side of the line. The best part is that even after crossing this line, you know that there are many more just waiting for you to be crossed

I am an ex-Management Consultant and a successful entrepreneur having close to twenty years of corporate experience. I am currently focusing full time on being a homeschooling parent while researching on the future of education and alternate methods of education. I am also a Vedic Math Trainer, an Operations Manager at a business run by her children and a philanthropist working with tens of other under privileged children. I bring all my past and current experiences together in the form of writing blogs. Using these blogs I wish to create awareness in parents, caregivers and educators about parenting, education and holistic living.