The whole world is conspiring for my welfare, or is it really?
Thoughts and Quotes

Sound of Silence

Tring Tring Tring, Ding, Twinkle, Twang

Music of my life


Splash, Tag, Tweet, Feed

So many people thinking of me


Dwing, Ping, Ting, Jing

All seem to know what I need


Buzz, Trizz, Fizz, Dizz

Offers, Advice, Deals and Meals


Sale, Discounts, Pills, Fills

All aligning for my thrills


Pop, Boom, Thunder, Lightning

Breaking news leaving my life incomplete


Inbox, Wall, Newsfeed, Chats

Screaming voices loaded with opinionated facts


I, me, mine

I am the God, I am the Centre of the Universe


Who thine?

I am the only one that counts


Sush. Everyone sush.

If only, you knew the only thing I want, the only thing I need


Sound of my breath coming in

A way to shut out the music


Sound of my breath going out

A way to know facts


Sound of each cell breathing in my body

A way to interpret my own truth


Sound of life exploding within me

A way to find my own way


Sound of Silence

A way to find my own God

I am an ex-Management Consultant and a successful entrepreneur having close to twenty years of corporate experience. I am currently focusing full time on being a homeschooling parent while researching on the future of education and alternate methods of education. I am also a Vedic Math Trainer, an Operations Manager at a business run by her children and a philanthropist working with tens of other under privileged children. I bring all my past and current experiences together in the form of writing blogs. Using these blogs I wish to create awareness in parents, caregivers and educators about parenting, education and holistic living.

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