• Uncategorized

    I Need Pest Control for the Mind

    As days got busier, my  home got fuller with minute invaders settling down comfortably on windows, walls, kitchen racks and shoe cupboards. Every time, I saw one or more of them, I was reminded of my failure to keep my home in order. An ant in my baking flour looked me in the eye and told me I was not a good baker. A spider just outside my entrance reminded me, I was not doing enough to keep my home clean. Fruit flies on the vegetable shelf silently suggested I was not managing my groceries well. Sigh! So many voices constantly prodding me to judge myself. I had little choice…

  • Toyna

    The Biggest Gift

    I was born a Pessimist. I was one of those, who did not believe in God or Love or being Happy. It just seemed easier to be sad than to be happy. There were a million reasons to be shit sad and I simply embraced all of them. I was treated for depression from early childhood till mid teens. In my early twenties, when my husband proclaimed his love to me, I am supposed to have asked him, “How do you define love?” Gosh! Who does that!?!. The good news is that the above para is written in past tense. It is all over and way behind me. The only…

  • Vedanta

    How do I know I am the Universe

    They say, I am not the mind, I am not the body They say, I am the soul I am the Universe I am the God Itself But how do I know when I have not seen God ever I have not even seen the whole Universe How do I know what they say is true I see me as me I see them as them I see the ant I see the leaf I see the sun, the land, the clouds, the unlimited expanse It is not me It is outside of me How can it be me How can I be all of it I love someone I…

  • Homeschooling

    Being a Parent is a Big Responsibility

    We know that we create our own life one step at a time, one choice at a time. It is not only the big choices like which career to pick or whom to marry which define us. But more so, the little choices like submitting our assignments on time or sharing our pocket money with someone in need that define us more. These everyday little choices define our character, who we are and how we operate. I have always been more or less carefree about my choices for my life. At the bottom of my heart, I know I have the wherewithal in me to see my choices through. But…

  • Yog

    Ladies Coach

    Yog and me took a few long Metro rides in Delhi recently. Somewhere during one such ride, there was an announcement on the intercom, warning men not to enter the Ladies Coach. Yog wanted to know, “Mama, why is there a ladies coach in the train?” “If any lady who is travelling alone, without any male member, feels unsafe, she can choose to ride in the Ladies coach.” was my reply. Yog instantly put his next question, “So where is the Male coach?” I had never thought about this so I just shrugged my shoulders indicating that such a thing did not exist. This prompted Yog to dig deeper, “But,…

  • Thoughts and Quotes,  Vedanta

    My Favorite Person is …

    I was gifted these beautiful flowers by my most favorite person in the whole wide world. I am so thrilled to set these beauties on my dining table and walk by them to soak in their fragrance. Each time I see them, I am reminded of the abundance of love in my life and my heart fills with gratitude. To talk about this favorite person of mine – She is beautiful, talented, compassionate and very bright! She always has my back and I can always count on her whenever I am in need. She is my best cheerleader and my biggest critic. She always challenges me to do better and…

  • Yog

    Running for President

    I came across a post warning parents against sharing stories about their children on the internet. The post suggested that while parents find sharing updates about their children cute and funny, such posts might become a cause of embarrassment for their children in their later years. Since I blog about Yog all the time, this post caught my attention and I really wanted to know more. According to the author of the post, one should do this final test before one posts anything about their child online. The test being, ask yourself, “In the future, how is this post going to effect the Presidential Campaign of your child?” As soon…

  • Vedanta

    My Biggest Fight is within Me

    Human life is like waves. We peak, we crest, we fall. We go flat for some time, until the time we start to peak again, riding high on a new relationship, a new project or simply a new reward. With each new rising, we forget the last fall. We spread our wings expecting to keep flying higher and higher, expecting to keep receiving, expecting to be the best out of all. This is when we crest and we fall. While the rise is slow, steady and heady, the fall happens in an instant crash. Depending on how high we rose with the wave, the crash is pretty much equivalent, breaking…

  • Thoughts and Quotes

    Nani House

    Yesterday, on my way down in the society elevator, I met a young boy and a girl. Boy must have been around 10 and the girl around 6. Boy was carrying two large bags full of eatables and the girl was managing a small trolley bag. They had an air of excitement and adventure that comes at the start of a new journey. I casually remarked, “Exams are over, eh!”. The boy nodded silently, trying not to engage in conversation with a stranger. I continued, “Going to Nani house for the holidays. ” At this comment, the boys curiosity got better of him. He immediately asked, “How do you know?”…