Be Careful
I wave Goodbye to three year old Yog and tell him I am going to office. He comes running towards me, hugs my knees and says, “Be Careful Mama!”
I reassure him that I will be careful, after all I have to come back home to him and his sister. As I walk down the street to my office, I muse to myself, how a simple “Good Bye” has been replaced with “Be Careful” in our minds. Not only adults, who read and digest news everyday, but young children like Yog can also sense that the world is not a safe place anymore. It doesn’t matter whether I am walking down 50 meters to my office in broad daylight, or my husband is travelling 7000 miles in the middle of the night, our hearts and mind are always prepared for the worst.
I would not call ourselves “pessimist” to assume that danger is real and that it could be lurking in our very neighborhood. I think it is a reality. Given this reality, we have notĀ stopped enjoying our lives. We still lead a happy, adventurous life, which is protected to some extent with phone battery backups and pepper spray tubes.
I wish there was more we could do to protect ourselves. More importantly, I wish, there was something that we could do to reduce this implicit danger that surrounds us all the time. Both our Organizations, KINDUZ and LASSIB are taking baby steps in this direction. However, every time Yog wishes me to be careful, I am reminded that the speed of change needs to be much faster. Until such time that small steps create a big movement, it is indeed each individuals responsibility to “Be Careful”.