• Yog

    The Grass and The Hospital Room

    The yellow green grass pushes against my legs as I walk uphill on the winding road. The thin stalk of the grass is lush green, but the flowers it holds have turned into a dry yellow. There is nothing extraordinary about it but it still holds my attention as I pluck one out into my hands and swing it into the cold breeze. I continue walking swinging the grass stalk in my right hand. The stalk gently kisses the other stalks still grounded all along the road. The mountains rise beyond. The clouds play hide and seek among the rising mountains. The sun decides to join the game too and hides…

  • Toyna,  Yog

    Thinking of buying a new Papa

    My phone rings as we sit down for dinner. I had kept it for charging about 100 yards away from the dining table. Toyna runs to grab it before I can even get up from my chair. She quickly hands it over to me, worried that it will get cut before we can answer it. As I open the cover to see who the caller is, she looks straight in my eyes and asks, “Papa?” I am leaving for work, I pick up my laptop bag and handbag; wish everyone good bye and step out the door to wear my shoes. Yog runs forward through the open door calling out…

  • Toyna,  Yog

    My Children created their Mother

    Here is the blunt truth – I was completely lost, till my children found me. They say parents are the ones to guide, support, and nourish their children. I agree; I might have done all that for my children in the physical sense of the word. I have provided food, shelter, and clothes to them. But in return they have provided me a reason to laugh, a reason to believe, and a reason to live. Maybe, if I didn’t have them in my life, I would have made millions, traveled to the moon and back, and lived life as if there was no tomorrow. Since I have had them in…

  • Yog

    Cheema Tutu

    Yog has been a late bloomer in terms of speech. This in no way means that he was not able to express himself till now. His deep black eyes can speak volumes, just by holding your gaze for a split second. In addition, he is blessed with two  super active hands. Using the combination of his eyes and hands, he has been managing quite well thus far. While most kids his age are now making sentences and expressing themselves well, Yog is discovering two letter words now. We have waited close to two years to converse with him using words, so each word that he speaks sounds like Beethoven to…

  • Toyna,  Yog

    Two Mothers and Two Fathers

    Since the time Yog was born, two years ago, life has been more or less revolving around him. Food, vaccinations, clothes, toys and even hospitals have been predominantly focused on his requirements. Toyna, eight at the time when Yog was born, was used to being the Princess of the house but easily shifted into the backseat. Over these years, we have been accustomed to Yog falling sick and the entire household including Toyna, running around him, trying anything to make him feel better. Today, after a long long time, the tables were turned. Toyna fell sick; sick enough for me to panic a little and rush her to the hospital. The doctor…

  • Uncategorized,  Yog

    The Gift of Good Health

    Most days Yogs unlimited energy can be the source of real strain on everyone in the house. Jumping on chairs, climbing on tables, trying to get the TV down or putting his hands between the elevator doors, all these pranks manage to keep everyone on their toes. On extreme days, I wish he would be a little less active, a little more calmer and a lot more disciplined. I guess, my prayers were answered and I was gifted such a day today. Yog contracted a bad stomach infection and he lay in bed barely able to move, dirtying diaper after diaper. There was no jumping around, no broken cups, and absolutely…

  • Toyna,  Yog

    The Master Key

    I hereby make a prophecy that 20 years from now, Yog will become some form of automobile engineer. While a car mechanic is also an automobile engineer, like any other starry eyes mother, I think he will be somewhere in the likes of Dilip Chaabria or working with the ISRO on the creating the shuttle to reach the black hole near Saturn. This prophecy is based on a simple fact that ever since Yog was able to focus his two eyes together, he is just obsessed with engines, cycles, bikes, cars, tractors, trucks and aeroplanes. For someone like me, who just not into automobiles of any kind, this is really…

  • Yog

    First Annual Day

    I remember Toynas first annual day at school. I think I was even more excited about her annual day than her. I dropped her at school at the appointed hour and then hanged around at school for the next couple of hours, just to make sure I got the front row seats. I coaxed my neighbor on the chairs to hold on to my seat, while I sneaked my way to her classroom to get some pictures of her in her dress and makeup. It seemed just the natural thing to do in those days. 6 years later, Yogs principal handed me the invitation to Yogs first annual day. I…

  • Toyna,  Yog

    The Perfect World

    Three days of utter chaos finally settled into a calm and peaceful evening as Yog recovered from a bad flu. High fever running for three straight days had left the entire home overcast with dull grey clouds. As we returned back from the doctors visit, reassured that Yog was going to be fine soon, the silver lining to the clouds was slowly becoming wider. As Yogs Grandfather navigated the busy roads of Hyderabad during the peak evening office hours, Yog, Toyna and me settled down comfortably on the back seat of the car. The long drive, the weakness from the illness and the soft music made sure that Yog soon…

  • Toyna,  Yog

    One Afternoon

    The afternoon clock said it was 2:30 p.m. The caller on the phone was desperate. My heart grew heavier as I listened in. Not again, not today. I just couldn’t manage to leave office today. I pacified the caller with an assurance that I would come home if the situation did not improve in the next ten minutes. I looked again at the clock in the corner of my laptop screen. It was not cooperating. It was just 2:31 p.m. There were 89 more excruciating minutes before Toyna would get home. I pushed my chair and got up from my seat. The document on the screen was no longer important. I…