Thoughts and Quotes

  • Thoughts and Quotes

    Symptoms of Split Personality Disorder

    I love children! I love anything to do with them. I love their smile, their clothes, their toys, their books and even the smell of their skin. In the past, when I have travelled alone, I have missed my two little ones so badly that I have managed to ruin my travel sulking about not having them around. In such situations, when I spot any willing kids on flights or busy market streets, I go down on my knees to talk to them; share a joke or just smile with them. It is my way of healing myself; giving my soul what it needs. Today, as I boarded my long…

  • Thoughts and Quotes,  Yog

    Be Careful

    I wave Goodbye to three year old Yog and tell him I am going to office. He comes running towards me, hugs my knees and says, “Be Careful Mama!” I reassure him that I will be careful, after all I have to come back home to him and his sister. As I walk down the street to my office, I muse to myself, how a simple “Good Bye” has been replaced with “Be Careful” in our minds. Not only adults, who read and digest news everyday, but young children like Yog can also sense that the world is not a safe place anymore. It doesn’t matter whether I am walking…

  • My Love,  Thoughts and Quotes

    Do you Own your Spouse?

    ” Do you own your spouse?” Rather, “Did you buy your spouse in the open market through bidding, betting or negotiating?” Well, in case you did buy your spouse, then you have every right in the world to own them. You have every right to dictate what they wear; what they eat; how much they sleep and how much they are supposed to earn. No questions asked! You sure must’ve paid a hefty price to own them, so you have every right, now, to control their lives. Needless to say, I pity those spouses who sold their pride, dreams and individual entity to be, from this day forward, called the spouse of  XXX.…

  • Thoughts and Quotes

    Whoo Hoo! I am Pregnant!

    Caution – Please read the full blog before commenting There is always a unique sense of satisfaction, pride and gratitude in knowing that you are pregnant. In the literal sense, pregnancy means that you have been chosen to create another life right inside of you. In the metaphorical sense, it means that you have been entrusted with creating something bigger than you, yourself. It could be a painting, an organization, a community or even a Government. In the metaphorical sense, you can be pregnant with an idea that you nurture and seep inside you. It eats the food that you eat and breathes the air that you take. Once you…

  • Thoughts and Quotes

    Being Alive

    There are some who endorse extreme smoking, drinking and other forms of physical pleasures as living each day to it’s fullest. They claim that each one of us has to die one day, as it is, so why not enjoy life while we can. To them perhaps the definition of being alive is associated with the fact that they are still breathing. I dread to think of a day when I am considered alive just because I am breathing. If all I am contributing to this planet, is a little bit more carbon dioxide, I would rather be declared dead. If nothing, I would have at least saved some air pollution.

  • Professional,  Thoughts and Quotes

    Farewell to the APAC CEO

    As I entered the conference room to join the farewell party of one of our youngest staff, Neelima, an energetic and passionate software tester, I was mentally preparing myself for hearing the Farewell Speech. This was standard protocol and I expected this to be a standard meeting. I had to get home quickly, after this meeting, to attend to Toyna, who was running high fever. Everyone one in the team was happy for Neelima as she started a new phase in her life. She was getting married and moving to new regions. We shared the cake, ice cream and some light hearted jokes. With that we immediately came to the…

  • Thoughts and Quotes

    Blood Stains on the Floor

    A son is born, the family rejoices There are blood stains on the floor, but the blood ain’t fresh It also does not belong to the boy or his mother As the son grows, he crawls on the red marks, accepting them as a part of his life When he grows up to be a man, he marks his own floor with blood of beautiful angels before he finally gets a son My heart cries, not because I was once a girl child, but because I am human with a heart

  • Thoughts and Quotes

    Control of Life

    For those who believe in God, do you agree that God has already done His part? Isn’t it time we let him focus on other strategic areas and we take control of something as small as our own lives.

  • Professional,  Thoughts and Quotes

    Success, the root cause behind Failure

    Since the last few years, I have been harboring a dream. A dream which defines a purpose for my life. As I go to bed each night, I vow to take out time for my dream the next day. I promise to prioritize it above everything else. I promise to make it work, no matter what the odds are. The next morning chaos of breakfast, lunch boxes and exam revisions seamlessly intertwines with the chaos of meetings, phone calls and approvals by the evening. Was there an afternoon in between, I don’t seem to have noticed? As I step down from office at 7 PM, I curse myself for not living my…

  • Thoughts and Quotes


    We all know that Humans are just another specie in the animal world. It is commonly believed that it is Intellect that differentiate us from animals. I disagree. I have seen many intellectual humans behave worse than animals. What truly differentiates humans from the other animals is the level of spirituality humans are capable of.