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    Dear fellow bloggers, why so sad?

    Dear fellow bloggers, why so sad? Why are all the posts about anger, injustice and bad? Life is what we make of it, life is what we choose to remember and spread By blogging about negatives, we are not moving ahead You have followers, therefore you have power Use it responsibly to make a positive impact What we consider as a bane, could be an opportunity in disguise Not all are blessed with minds like yours; please help others in the find We don’t need reminders on how tough life is We need passion and belief that can spread hope and happiness

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    It’s nothing personal

    A lot of times at work, we give honest, blunt and harsh feedback. I am sure we look like the bad boss who never ever understands.  Lately, I have been there much more than I like. As business grows, we are all under immense pressure to grow with it. Sometimes we know what we need to do in order to grow, but sometimes we all need to be guided. Feedback is just another way of guiding. I keep telling my team, it is just feedback to help them improve and in return help the organization improve. They should not for a minute think there is anything personal about it. It…

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    Oops we do it again! (Re: Olympics)

    While we the nation celebrate the victory of few excellent sports personalities, we at the same time make louder hue and cry about the poor state of our sports in our country. Just 4 medals compared what China has won. Shame on us! It is so easy to sit in our cute little offices, warm beds and hot baths and complain about our country. Our sports minister didn’t do this, our coaches don’t know better, our athletes lack talent; the list of complaints is endless.  I ask, how many of us have done anything better than those out there in the field. How many of us gave up our dreams…

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    The Idea Factory

    Where do ideas come from? Is there somewhere a factory in the mind which manufactures these? What inputs does it take and what kind of process would it follow? I have tried to analyze it, and have often wondered that the inputs are events from our daily life. But honestly, some of my best and worst ideas have come from absolutely nowhere. I can find no corelation of their existence from any where around me. That makes me sad. Because, if I could find the inputs and the process, probably I could make the process repeatable and share it with others so everyone could get wonderful ideas and avoid bad ideas. Richard…

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    What would you do without trust?

    What would you do – If you realized your child was lying to you If your team was hiding critical facts If your partner in love was willfully misleading you Would punishing the child, stop them from lying? Would reprimanding the team, stop them from hiding? Would blaming and fighting with the partner, stop them from misleading? All three may seem like very different situations but perhaps stem from the same root cause – Lack of trust. The child doesn’t trust that you will understand, therefore they lie. The team doesn’t trust that you will support,  therefore they hide. And the partner doesn’t trust that you will care, understand and…

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    Scare of Parent Teacher Meetings

    Honestly I was always scared of Parent Teacher Meetings as a child. Probably it is one of the perks of being an average child. I remember the standard comment which followed year on year in all my report cards -” Good show! But can do better”. I could never figure out what it meant and honestly  didn’t really care what my teachers thought, as long as my Mom was happy with the scores. For as long as I remember I wanted to grow up fast, so that I have to stop studying and get out of the cycle of exams and report cards. And then it happens – I grow…

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    Who is Reading?

    I have wondered sometimes who all read my blog. For the first few blogs it was the most important thing to watch for during the day. Another like, another comment, another share were all the metrics I was counting. As the number of blogs increased, the readership slowly decreased. It actually seemed like a straight line co-relation to me. One day I thought, should I stop writing because no one is reading? And then I thought – Did I start writing because someone was reading? I started writing because I loved to write. The feeling still continues and therefore I still write. Perhaps there will be a day when I…

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    Plan to have fun

    Long Sunday siesta, longer evening walk and lots of time with family. Mmmmmmmm what a beautiful weekend. Sometime the whole idea of a break is not about going on exotic vacations but simply unwinding in the coziness of your home, in the company of loved ones. What makes it even more beautiful is the fact that there is absolutely no plan to do anything worthwhile.  Plans work well when we are trying to achieve goals and milestones. When planning to have fun, I would rather chuck out all predefined plans, games, activities, agendas, maps, whatever creates boundaries within which we need to remain. Fun for me, do whatever comes to…

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    The fear that drives perfection

    We are all scared of failing, of making mistakes, of loosing something we really cherish. Because of this fear, many of us even give up trying. It is like being afraid of hurting the ones we love, so we stop loving all together. I learnt that everyone is scared, nervous, skeptical and sometimes shaken. But not everyone learns to master their fears and turn them to their advantage. The ones who do, use their fear as their strength to plan better, prepare harder and as a result deliver better.  Fear is a healthy sign that represents gaps we need to close, things we need to be cautious about and areas we…

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    Whats the point?

    A point is a minuscule entity in this vast eternity. How you define it – depends on where you are looking at it from? If you are looking at it from the top, you find it as a dot. If you are looking at it from the bottom, you might view it as a hat. If you turn towards left, you might view it as an egg. You might even see it as our universe if you went far out in to the space. So whats the point of this blog? That depends on who is reading and how they are reading it. It might be &*%& $H$# to some. It…