• Toyna,  Yog

    Love you Mom

    What is that about being a mother that brings out the worst behavior of your child in front of you!?!! This question has been bothering me for days now. My kids, behave very well with grandparents, school teachers and others, i.e. till the time I appear on scene. The minute they see me, all their bottled up emotions, spill over in one devastating flood. Whenever I pick up Yog from school, I try and observe him from a distance before he gets to know that I am around. He seems to be all happy and playful and not the least bit stressed out. But that is until he sees me.…

  • Toyna,  Yog

    Toyna n Yog

    I might be the biological mother for Yog, but honestly, better than me, he has two more mothers in our house. One, without doubt, is his grandmother whom he spends a lot of his waking time with. The other, quite unexpectedly is 9 year old Toyna. When Yog was born, I hadn’t expected Toyna to be able to connect much. After all, there is a significant age gap between the two. On top of that, she hardly has any time after her school, homework and friends to spare with Yog. But as the two are growing, the connection is so deep, it seems it has always been there. When Pavan…

  • Yog

    Where are your Hands?

    Never thought that teaching Yog about his body parts could be so gratifying. We were talking about hands yesterday, and I pointed with my one hand to another and said, “This is Mama’s hand. Where is Yog’s hand? ” He looked baffled from one corner of the room to another trying to find his hands. I brought him near me, caught his hands in mine and turned his palms upwards to face him. “Yog’s hands!!!” He looked at his palms as if he was seeing them for the first time. He laughed out loud and was so excited to discover his hands that he couldn’t sit in one place anymore.…

  • Toyna

    Happy Teachers Day

    As soon as I got home from office yesterday, Toyna ran to me, hugged me and said “Advance Happy Teachers Day!” I was surprised to hear this. Sensing my hesitancy to accept the title of a “Teacher”, she quickly exclaimed, “You taught me how to walk, how to say my first words. You still teach me how to eat food properly. ” She then paused, waiting for my reaction. I was not totally convinced, so she quickly added to her argument, “Our family is always our first school.” I smiled at this and my heart warmed up. I accepted the wishes with a “Thank You Toyna!!” and a big hug. Though…

  • Yog

    The Foodie

    Yog loves everything that is even in the remotest ways connected to food. Most of his waking time, he spends in the kitchen sitting beside his grandmother or me, watching us cook. When we remove him from the cooking scene for fear of he getting hurt, he busies himself with the pots, pans, grinder jars, ladles, boxes, anything that makes sounds  and is associated with food. Our best time together, during the day, is when I sit down for my meal. Usually he has already finished his food, but his curiosity on whats on my plate, always pull him to me. I sit on the chair, and he sits on…

  • Thoughts and Quotes

    Holding Hands

    A dark night, drizzling rain, shining lights on the road and speeding traffic were all enough to make me a little scared of crossing the road. A few hesitant steps into the traffic and a hand reached out to me from behind. As the hand tightened around mine and tugged me forward, my heart filled with warmth.With his hand holding mine, there is nothing that I will ever be afraid of. Maybe, this is what they call love.

  • Uncategorized

    Unadulterated Adulation

    Sometimes the Love that you have nurtured and held dear for a long time, has the capability to strangle you completely, till you are gasping for breath. Going through that phase with Yog. His attention for me, and demands of attention from me, are leaving me completely perplexed. When I am at home, the only way to get two minutes to talk, eat or even pee seems like a luxury, a gift granted from God itself. On one hand, I love the fact that he adores me so much. On the other, I wish there was a better form of adulation he could figure out.

  • Uncategorized

    A new Lover

    Someone has taken a real fancy towards me and I honestly am not liking it one bit. I now know how it feels, when someone loves you so much and you just don’t feel the same way back. I think it all started a couple of months back, when I was weak, vulnerable and exhausted. He found me and thought he could help. It started with brief encounters once in a blue moon and soon turned into day long monthly visits. I never read into the signs and didn’t pay much attention to where it was headed. Looking back, I can see the final straw was my blog last month.…

  • Uncategorized

    Back to School!

    School started today and life goes back to the old humdrum of living by the clock. Did I miss it? Not one bit! Am I looking forward to it? Definitely yes! How can someone look forward to something, when it wasn’t even missed in the first place? The answer lies deep in the fascinating mysteries of a mothers heart! As a mother, I love everything about my daughter! Relaxing and rolling around with her in the holidays was fun, but school is going to be it’s own kind of fun. Poking her in the morning to wake her up, dressing her up for school, dropping her to the bus, and the continuous bick bick…